Rule #1:  Who controls your data?  You do. 

1.  What is AuthorizedCV?

It is your own place for the electronic artifacts and accomplishments generated throughout your professional life that in turn allow you to continue your lifelong profession and continuing education.

2.  Why is this so important?

Professionals from physicians and nurses to plumbers and heating/air conditioning technicians cannot work without their professional papers.  As a professional, you’ve worked hard for your education and accomplishments.  No one can take them away from you.  And you need to put them to work for you as well.

To reach your potential.

3.  Who founded AuthorizedCV and why?

Family Physician and  NASA Flight Surgeon, Dr. Joe Schmid, got tired of maintaining his own credentials in a myriad of places  and repeatedly sending the same information at different times to different clinics or locations in which he works.  Joe saw professionals having to allow others to control their data (and thereby control them!)

Joe works worldwide with physicians, surgeons, nurses, medics, researchers, computer scientists, pilots, engineers, plumbers, heating and air conditioning technicians, musicians, graphic artists , professors, teachers and most importantly, students.  Joe decided to do his part to put the power back into the hands of the professionals themselves.

4.  Who owns the data?

You.  Period.

5.  Who decides with whom to share the data, if ever?

You.  Period.

6.  Do we share your data with headhunters, advertisers, LinkedIn, etc?

No.  But if you would like to take your data and skills to market, we actually can make it easier for you.  See Rule # 1 above.

7. How do you protect my data?

You.  Us.  We are a team effort.

  1. You protect your own data from the beginning by not including anything potentially embarrassing, private, sensitive.  (no one needs to know that anyway, so don’t include it.)
  2. We provide you recommendations for encrypting your data.
  3. We can also help provide additional cryptographic tools for your use.
  4. You control whom you send your data.
  5. You can limit when, how long the data is available.
  6. You can remove that access as well.
  7. We help you use proper password security and practices.
  8. We maintain our sites with security, trustworthy personnel and data center security is provided.

The founder keeps his own data here by the way.

8.  Can I take me data with me?


9.  Minimal and reasonable cost?

Yes.  Joe wants to make it available for every professional or student who desires to control their data, and at a reasonable, absolutely minimal cost.  Did you see the other service is charging a $795 initial fee and $50 per month?  Forget that.  You deserve better.

Come join us.  Join your professional colleagues that are now in control of their information and thus their destiny: